Delicious Adventures in Experimental Archaeology

The Arms of Noble Scandal mac Rofir

Scandal mac Rofir is an accomplished cook and brewer, and enjoys musical performance and learning new crafts. Scandal represents a Hiberno-Norse city dweller in the thriving hybrid culture of the Kingdom of Dublin around the turn of the Millennium. Scandal is pronounced as it appears in modern English, skan·dl

As a player, Scandal is committed to diversity and radical inclusivity in the pursuit of the Society’s ideals of Chivalry, Honor, and Courtesy. Scandal believes that Black Lives Matter, Trans people exist, and all people deserve dignity (except Fascists.) Scandal’s pronouns are He/Him.

Offices & Events
TitleJurisdictionDate Held
Baronial QuartermasterBarony of Highland Foorde2025-
Event & Feast StewardHighland Hearthglow2025
Deputy Kingdom WebministerKingdom of Atlantia, Coronation2023
Deputy Baronial HeraldBarony of Highland Foorde2021-2025
Baronial WebministerBarony of Highland Foorde2020-
Feast StewardHighland River Melees2019
Awards & Achievements
AwardAwarded byDate Given
Order of the Coral BranchKingdom of AtlantiaHighland Hearthglow 2025
Order of the LarkBarony of Highland FoordeHighland Hearthglow 2025
Award of ArmsKingdom of AtlantiaHRM 2025
Order of the HartBarony of Highland FoordeHRM 2021
Baronial Award of ExcellenceBarony of Highland FoordeHRM 2019
Households & Affiliations
The Rookery
La Volée Blanche
Love for All
Clanne Preachain
In Case of Court

I generally only attend Court when there’s a specific reason to be there. If I am being given an award, please advise me in advance. If you are being given an award please tell me so I can be there!

In case of Elevation, I beg Their Majesties issue a Writ in advance.

Client Logos?

Client Logos?