Delicious Adventures in Experimental Archaeology

Highland Hearthglow, A.S. LIX (2025)

Highland Hearthglow, A.S. LIX was a major undertaking that sought to create a new event framework which could be used to create an immersive and experiential A&S display for the attendees. The format of the event was an all-day historical feast, researched, interpreted, and extensively documented over the course of a year. The now-annual event will focus on Hospitality as the main theme, traveling through a new historical context each year. This inaugural year’s even was themed around Savoy, France at the turn of the 15th Century.

Photo courtesy of Nicole Vassallo Photography

The event featured our Banquet Hall where a five course, twenty-four dish menu was served throughout the day. Interludes included the generous performances of our Populace throughout the day in the Hall, as well as a second area set as our Auberge, or Tavern for the day where additional A&S displays around games, brewing, and other hospitality were provided which served as another avenue of diversion for our guests. Serving as both Event Steward and Feast Steward for this even, I was supported by a huge staff of amazing volunteers, and we are happy to say it was a huge success. Many of the recipes have been transposed into this site, but the full documentation for the event remains archived on its own site which you can visit below.