Delicious Adventures in Experimental Archaeology

My greatest passion in the SCA is interpreting historical foodways. I have adapted a large number of historical recipes for various events. The process includes rigorous research and testing using both historical references and inferences made using my modern cooking expertise. Each recipe interpretation is itself an Arts & Sciences project, but there are some projects which represented a significantly larger effort, and they are revisited in the A&S Projects section as well as having their standalone recipes in the recipe database.

Because of the context of these modern recipes, I have made many of them more allergen-friendly than the historical source indicates where it has little or no impact on the final result. Also note that I am living in the United States, and so ambiguous terms such as “bacon” should be assumed to have this usage.

Below you can perform a detailed search for recipes, including filtering by a variety of factors like the time and place you want to prepare a Feast for. I would love to hear from you if you use these at home or for an event!

Cook in Chaperon (Luttrell Psalter c. 1340)