Elinor Fettiplace's Receipt Book
Elinor Fettiplace’s Receipt Book is a 1986 book by Hilary Spurling containing and describing the recipes in a book inscribed by Elinor Fettiplace with the date 1604 and compiled in her lifetime: the manuscript contains additions and marginal notes in several hands. Spurling is the wife of a descendant of Fettiplace who had inherited the manuscript. The book provides a direct view of Elizabethan era cookery in an aristocratic country house, with Fettiplace’s notes on household management.
This website relies on the author’s understanding of the original manuscripts, as well as references the following:
Fettiplace, E., & Spurling, H. (1987). Elinor Fettiplace’s Receipt book: Elizabethan country house cooking. Penguin.